Wubin Rocks
After Buntine Rocks, we headed to Wubin Rocks

No longer on a paved road, this became the scenery. I’ve grown to love it.

Nor am I surprised to see these crossing / sunning in the road.

This bobtail let me get pretty close before I decided to leave him alone so he wouldn’t get too stressed out.

Drive some more…

We’re here

A butterfly caught our attention.

As did this fuzzy, purple plant with mean looking spikes on it.

Some more everlastings.

Now what? I did suggest we back the car up, speed up, and play Dukes of Hazard, but John found a way around it. I am sure my sons would like to try this in the family van.

I thought Enric would like this, as when he was little he would be so excited to see the “Double Trucks” in Europe.. John and I saw more than a few of these “road trains” trucks with more than three cars attached. This one was three, later we saw some with four.
Oh dear, I don’t think the family van would be doing too well after that “speed bump” but we could definitely get some serious air!