Whiteman Park Saturday
Saturday, John and I were unsure what to do. Since he lives close to Whiteman Park, we decided to go there.

Blue sunny skies can be wonderful, but to a photographer, clouds just always add some interest…and a hope for a nice sunset later.(Which did happen, I will make a separate post for them)

We went to the Lolly Shop and sat down to eat an ice cream. This Magpie wouldn’t let us eat in peace. It watched us the whole time.
Magpies make me nervous, as I know they can be very aggressive. I knew it wasn’t their aggressive time of year, but I was leery just the same. John also seemed respectful of the bird as well. I do love the sounds they make.

After, we went into this shop and bought our first time as Man and Wife for our home. (I will blog about it later)