What does your name mean?
Ok, blame Laura for this one too, but it made me laugh, so it can’t be bad!
B | is for | Bouncy |
A | is for | Amazing |
R | is for | Rebellious |
B | is for | Bubbly |
A | is for | Artistic |
R | is for | Rebellious |
A | is for | Alert |
Yeah, well Xerraire… You’re raising a little “pistol” there. She’s not afraid at
all and apparently felt no remorse in cutting me down like a South American Rainforest!
It’s a good thing I have thick skin… I might have cried!! hehehe
Yeah, well, Mike, my little “pistol” doesn’t get it from me, I couldn’t hurt a flea.
My mama always said however, “don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” So I suppose Laura is

“taking it” and dishing it out right back to you?
As for me, my apologies for my little pistol.
We’d get along much better if she’d just accept this whole
bethrothed thing!