This is my third blog about the same day, even if I put quickie photos up on Facebook, I like to at least use my blog for a more detailed review of our discoveries. There is so much to see and do, that it all just wouldn’t fit in one blog. Prior stops were Depot Hill and Migenew Hill.
After our visit to Depot Hill, we decided to go back to Eneabba to see if the Queen of Sheba orchids were open.
But first our drive there…
It’s no secret that I glory in clouds in the skies. The canola field gives it even more interest.
I do love the Western Australian countryside.
More shooting with a camera from a moving car.
You can tell by the long shadows it was already late in the day. We were hoping the Queen wouldn’t be closed up.
More clouds and canola
We spent the day mostly in sunshine, but we knew Perth was supposed to get rain. Looks like we might be heading into it.
Or maybe not.
We are finally in the place where the Queen of Sheba orchids are found, and some black cockatoos could be heard and seen in the distance.
Since I basically have the attention span of a gnat, I forgot about flowers and watched them for a while.
I couldn’t get over the number of them. So many and so majestic to watch them fly over and land in the trees nearby.
Not a queen, but a cat’s paw in the sun.
This one I really liked. I guess it’s some sort of smokebush.
A happy little star flower.
A dropping spider orchid.
Well two are better than one.
Donkey Orchid. But where are the queens? They are so hard to find!
But we were running out of daylight and time, and we soon needed to be getting back home.
So yes, a typical ride home one sees a lot of sheep
And there is something about Western Australia’s countryside.
The windy country roads never get old either.
Clouds and moon for our drive.
More windy roads
Canola isn’t the only crop, we see a few wheatfields in our travels.
Finally, the sun sets and I can put the camera away and devote the rest of the drive home to keeping the music lively on the car USB with our mp3s playing perky stay awake music.