Way To Turn 20
After us thanking the Lord for sparing Laura’s life in a car accident, Miranda said, “Way to turn 20!”
So the birthday began in a sweet way…

A lovely sunset out our dining room window. I had to stop cooking and take a few photos.

Getting the birthday table ready, the roses from Laura’s SOS adorned it well.

The table ready for a few friends and family.

Time to dig in to the prepared Fideus a la Casola.

A new face at our table, Terrence. The fideus here are also known in this household as “Nana Noodles.”

A photo from the other end of the table.

Erin couldn’t be bothered to lick the envelope of the card, Laura was offended, so vigorous licking ensued.

Smelling one of the gifts, a candle.

A group shot, watching Laura as she opens presents.

Seems appropriate for your 20th birthday, a book on Adulting.

Laura smiling with her Strawberry Passion Ice Cream Cake.

Laura and Rubà share a giggle.

Two special girls in my life.

Helping Tia Laura blow out the candles.
I am so thankful for these times with my family. I cherish them.