Washington D.C. (Episode II) continued (again)
The United States Navy Memorial at 7th Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Indiana Avenue in Washington, D.C. honors those who have served, and are currently serving, in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the Merchant Marine.
The memorial is adjacent to the Archives-Navy Mem’l-Penn Quarter station and the National Archives building.
Our first trip out to D.C., I became rather enamoured with a fountain spilling out blue water.
This our second time, my two and their friends didn’t hesitate to use it as a backdrop for another round of posed photos. This time, made all the more interesting as they had previously bought blue Powerade and it made it look as if they were drinking the fountain water. Today I learned:
During the summer of 2006, the water in the fountains of the Navy Memorial was colored blue due to the presence of chemicals added to the water to fight algae growth. According to a spokesperson for the memorial, the algae has been surprisingly difficult to remove, and that they “figured it was better to have blue water than to have an algae-encrusted memorial.” The blue water is expected to be gone by the end of the summer.
Well that whole explanation took some of the “romance” out of it, but, explains a lot.
Miquel wanted to know how many smurfs did they have to kill to get the water that blue?