Veles e Vents


This is part of Perth Festival 2014

Xarxa Teatre from  Spain, put on a performance here in Perth of Veles e Vents. Thanks to a friend letting us know about the event, John got hit with the idea almost right about coming home time. 🙂 He agreed to take me.

The performance is inspired by the work of Valencian poet Ausiàs March:

Veles e vents

Veles e vents han mos desigs complir
faent camins dubtosos per la mar.
Mestre i ponent contra d’ells veig armar:
xaloc, llevant los deuen subvenir
ab llurs amics lo grec e lo migjorn,
fent humils precs al vent tramuntanal
que en son bufar los sia parcial
e que tots cinc complesquen mon retorn.

Bullirà·l mar com la cassola en forn,
mudant color e l’estat natural,
e mostrarà voler tota res mal
que sobre si atur un punt al jorn.
Grans e pocs peixs a recors correran
e cercaran amagatalls secrets;
fugint al mar on són nodrits e fets,
per gran remei en terra eixiran.

Los pelegrins tots ensems votaran
e prometran molts dons de cera fets;
la gran paor traurà al llum los secrets
que al confés descoberts no seran.
En lo perill no·m caureu de l’esment,
ans votaré al Déu qui·ns ha lligats
de no minvar mes fermes voluntats
e que tots temps me sereu de present.

Jo tem la mort per no ser-vos absent,
perquè amor per mort és anul·lats;
mas jo no creu que mon voler sobrats
pusca ésser per tal departiment.
Jo só gelós de vostre escàs voler
que, jo morint, no meta mi en oblit.
Sol est pensar me tol del món delit
car, nós vivint, no creu se pusca fer:

aprés ma mort d’amar perdau poder
e sia tost en ira convertit,
e jo, forçat d’aquest món ser eixit,
tot lo meu mal serà vós no veer.
Oh Déu, ¿per què terme no hi ha en amor,
car prop d’aquell jo·m trobara tot sol?
Vostre voler sabera quant me vol,
tement, fiant, de tot l’avenidor.

Jo són aquell pus extrem amador
aprés d’aquell a qui Déu vida tol.
Puis jo són viu, mon cor no mostra dol
tant com la mort per sa extrema dolor.
A bé o mal d’amor jo só dispost,
mas per mon fat fortuna cas no·m porta.
Tot esvetlat, ab desbarrada porta,
me trobarà faent humil respost.
Jo desig ço que·m porà ser gran cost
i aquest esper de molts mals m’aconhorta.
A mi no plau ma vida ser estorta
d’un cas molt fer, qual prec Déu sia tost;
lladoncs les gents no·ls calrà donar fe
al que amor fora mi obrarà;
lo seu poder en acte·s mostrarà
e los meus dits ab los fets provaré.

Amor, de vós jo·n sent més que no·n sé,
de què la part pijor me’n romandrà,
e de vós sap lo qui sens vós està.
A joc de daus vos acompararé.


The event attracted a lot of people for Friday night.

The event attracted a lot of people for Friday night.

The opening began with a local flavor.

The opening began with a local flavor.

And the ship is built.

And the ship is built.

Perhaps looking out for perils?

Perhaps looking out for perils?

The sails are up!

The sails are up!



And the adventure across the sea begins.

And the adventure across the sea begins.

Bullirà el mar com la cassola en forn. The Sea will boil like a pan in the oven.

Bullirà el mar com la cassola en forn. ..The Sea will boil like a pan in the oven.

...faent camins dubtosos per la mar...Making paths doubtful for the sea.

…faent camins dubtosos per la mar…Making paths doubtful for the sea.

A voyage of love.

A voyage of love.

Veles e Vents charts the grand and perilous voyage of a ship on the open sea.

Veles e Vents charts the grand and perilous voyage of a ship on the open sea.

A celebration of our charged and dynamic ocean and an explosive reminder that the journey is often just as magical as the final destination.

A celebration of our charged and dynamic ocean and an explosive reminder that the journey is often just as magical as the final destination.

Explosions of music and movement, the elemental collision of fire meeting sea, fireworks shooting an unforgettable array of light into the night sky.

Explosions of music and movement, the elemental collision of fire meeting sea, fireworks shooting an unforgettable array of light into the night sky.

This was like the finale, I guess. It was mesmerizing as promised.

This was like the finale, I guess. It was mesmerizing as promised.

As we went to parking, a look back to the ship with Perth behind.

As we went to parking, a look back to the ship with Perth behind.














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1 Response

  1. 2/9/2014

    […] the production of Veles e Vents I explained in my last post HERE, and apparently my research helped tell a few nice people around me what the show was going to be […]

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