Today the Fletchers had a surprise birthday party for Uncle Arthur.

The cousins all happy to see each other.

Alejandra gets to meet a lot of Fletchers at once.

Laura takes photos. Miquel poses and Lois looks adorable!

The guest of honor arrives and is stunned.

Uncle Arthur takes off his glasses for a better look.

He seems to understand that it’s his birthday party!

Aunt Lynn walks in ahead of him and looks stunning!

Uncle Arthur sees an old friend from work, his Westinghouse days.

Brother and sister

Mark made and served the chicken.

Mom and Aunt Lynn

The kids loved playing with new toys!

Joey plays while Uncle Arthur and Lois sing the Blue Skirt Waltz

The cake and Uncle Arthur’s picture

Tracie and Alex

Mom and Uncle Arthur had a few moments today.

Harley and Lauren

Tanya has fun with Silas and RubÃ

Everyone was busy

Alejandra meets baby Harley

Time to blow out the candles

Uncle Arthur is just overjoyed to have everyone around him.

Uncle Arthur has some help from Josh to blow out the candles.

Working on the special scrapbook for Uncle Arthur

Alejandra and Jenny looking for Waldo

The girls have fun

Lauren and Harley, again.

It’s a mermaid on that Spiderman’s motorcycle!
Happy 80th, Uncle Arthur!
What a lovely pictures of Arthur and Mom together.