Trees, Spiders, and Grandchildren
Advice from a Tree – By Ilan Shamir
Stand tall and proud.
Sink your roots into the earth.
Be content with your natural beauty.
Go out on a limb.
Drink plenty of water.
Remember your roots.
Enjoy the view!
So I love trees as much as the next person. I don’t know if I have a favorite, but Weeping Willows, Maples, and Birch trees are very sweet. When I went to Australia, I couldn’t stop marveling at all the different trees they have, or at least so different than to the trees here.
Having said all that, we reached a point in our yard that trees were allowing no sun so that things could grow, keeping the pool water cold, giving us a lot of work in the yard all times of the year (especially in autumn and EVERY storm), and finally, the ones that keep falling apart were threatening the health of our pool filter. Reaching exasperation with them, friends from church were kind enough to help us out in getting rid of a few limbs and some trees. My husband wasn’t so happy about it, but those of us that live here much of the time considered it an event. Some small reprieve from all the work the trees make for us.
I don’t know why I didn’t grab the camera for anything before and after, but when Chad was up high in a tree and cut off the top part and we all saw how narrowly it missed the pool filter, the one item we were trying to save, I grabbed my cell phone for a quick photo!

Enric and Janelle discussing how close it had come!

Chad from above, saw that it took part of the Cherry tree with it.

Later, Miquel saw this spider as it was making a web, blocking the gate entrance.

I watched it for a long time.

Looks like Chad will make something with the trees…

For what is left, Rubi can play on them!

Ants quickly scampered around the stump gathering the sawdust…

Every event is a good excuse to get a tickle from Uncle Miq!

Then along came yet another spider on the stump.

Not as high as the trees.

More stumps to play on.

and a swing. I do believe Rubi is park monkey.

Silas soon learns that tree stumps can be fun.

Maybe Miranda gets her wish, a naturally made playground for her children.