The Wilds 2008
Another year, another trip to The Wilds! Our teens will go to North Carolina for a week of fun, Bible study, and cut off from the world. No cell phones, no radios, no mp3 players, no computers, nothing. Each year, no one seems to even miss their connection to the outside world. Each year the camp has a theme. One year it was the “Days of Knights” and midieval theme prevailed [Miquel came home talking like a Monty Python movie], Another year was something like the Hatfields and the McCoys [Miquel came home talking like he was born and raised in the deep south]. This year, what else? The Campaign Trail.
This is Laura’s first year without Miquel going along, but she was excited and happy to go. Usually the teens of our church try to earn money for this wonderful camp by having a car wash with sponsors. This year, they did something different. Our church promoted a Hire-A-Teen and each teen who wished to, got a chance to earn money towards their trip. Laura worked very hard and was happy for the opportunity.
Here Laura and Erin embrace in excitement.
Pastor Josh, who was as excited as any of the kids, this being his first year at The Wilds, is giving last minute instructions and van assignments.
Erin remembers no electronics are allowed and digs into her purse to give her device to her sister.
Laura rushes to get her packed sandwich, she chooses Turkey each year. Mrs Mary and Mrs Becky will go this year and drive the girls’ van.
The vans take our youth away for one week. They will be so missed but each parent knows that this is a very good and challenging place for them.
OK, I miss my baby already. Have fun, my princess.
Looks like fun! That is one of the best things about mission trips. You get away from phones, email, the Internet, newspapers, etc. for a week or so and the results are amazing.
That’s pretty cool. I could use time away like that. Well, perhaps at least bring my laptop.