The Stars at Wave Rock
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” Psalm 147:4
After our dinner and equipped with a new tripod and camera remotes, John and I had planned to try taking long exposure photos of stars at Wave Rock.
John already had experience with long exposure photography, but this was my first time. The night was chilly, but we were determined.
After putting our cameras on tripods, we pointed our cameras, held the shutter down for various lengths of time, the longer the time, the longer the star trails would be. We shone our flashlights at the trees so they would be somewhat lit in the photos.
This was a lot of fun to do, but we nearly froze by the time we decided to pack it all up and head back to our little place at Wave Rock.
I still need more practice, but it was very nice to have a night with John under the stars, he’s always been my photography teacher.