The Porongurups part One
The granite from which Porongurup Range has been exposed by the slow weathering of the softer rocks surrounding the range.
Although only 12 kilometres long and 670 metres (2,198 feet) at its highest point, the range is renowned for its beauty. It is clothed in a luxuriant forest of giant Karri trees and the understorey puts on a brilliant display of wildflowers during spring and early summer.
We of course, were making the hike during Australia’s late summer/autumn. It felt more like the dog days of summer to me.
After talking to Andrew and family we decided to start in the Tree in the Rock area and take the walk to Nancy and Hayward Peaks Walk.

It started with a drive and looking at the ranges on both sides, the Sterling Ranges and the Porongurups.

We found this kookaburra and it sat very still for me, with a lot of time to take its picture. I was pretty excited about it.

Where we parked the car, magpies (which can be dangerous in spring) seemed hungry and was following me close.
We were starting to realize this was no ordinary walk, it was more of a climb, and that the trail was poorly marked. I was starting to feel it in my legs, the heat not helping. By the end of the day I would have a sunburn. Fortunately, we brought water with us. I think it’s a good rule everywhere you go in Australia to take water with you.
Catch the next blog to see more of our hike and climb up the Porongurups….