Team Effort
Making Mud Cake with John?
On kind of the spur of the moment, we invited the boys to dinner. I had mud cake for the idea for dessert. I wanted to ice it, but John said he’d like something simpler. Icing sugar on the top, for example.
So, I thought that might be nice to make a design. But I didn’t have a doily. So John did paper cutting, and we soon had a design. Then, as John’s kitchen really isn’t Suzy Homemaker ready, I had no sifter to use, so then John had to get inventive.

John took the empty baking powder can, drilled small holes into its lid, sanded them down, and soon I had a sifter.

After cheese appetizers, roast beef dinner with carrots and mashed potatoes, the boys enjoyed ‘our’ mud cake.
I love doing things together with my husband.
Now you know you can’t put a yummy cake pic up like this and not include the recipe!! Now I feel the need to go make a cake like this!! Lol
then came the real team effort
eating it yummy