Tagged: years


Enric and Miranda’s 10 Years Anniversary.

For her wedding anniversary, Miranda wanted photos of her and Enric, but she wanted to surprise him by wearing her wedding gown. He had no idea. After church, she sent him outside while he was still dressed up while she sneaked to get on her wedding dress. As it turns...

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Miquel is 21

21. *sigh* Looking through his old photos, it doesn’t seem that long ago he was so little… Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

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Enric’s 9th Birthday

This is a special birthday clip. Enric was turning 9 and we chose a 50’s theme for the occasion. A lot of music preparation went into this day. We didn’t have the children dress up, but the decorations were 50’s theme and we even had a jukebox piñata. In this...