Tagged: xerraire


Updated Website

So we’re having a heatwave here in Perth, so might as well update my website. This explains why I would choose NOW to update the website. The odd thing is, just a few days before this, it was quite chilly. So Perth is as bi-polar in its weather as Baltimore....

Xerraire Hunter and Warlock 0

Xerraire Hunter and Warlock

So far, I am still enjoying my free demo account at World of Warcraft. I am not enjoying as much as I would have if I had the proper graphics card, but all things in good time. Besides the actual game, I enjoy the scenery and the music so much,...

WoW mount 6

A Mount for Xerraire

So this might not mean a whole lot to many, but to World of Warcraft fans, it’s a bit of an accomplishment to reach level 20 and get a mount. I am rather satisfied to get this far as I have been attempting to play this game under a lot...

Xerraire Wes sites 1

Xerraire Wayback

I had forgotten about the Wayback Machine, which archives websites’ looks from years ago. I searched my first domain, Xerraire.com and this was the look when started in 1999: (Click on image for larger view)   2001   2002   2003 2003 2003   2004, and pretty much the look...

World of Warcraft Xerraire 0

Xerraire Does WoW

The invitation came. I about cringed at the thought. How can I manage to fit something like that in my busy schedule? I can’t do it, I immediately thought. These things are addicting and just over my head. I will stink at it. This is so unlike me, I couldn’t…...

Xerraire Headquarters 0

Xerraire Headquarters

The house is busy and full of people. Often times my room is the location people flock to. When found that I needed another computer, it left me with three computers and one desk. Which is a problem. I have looked at countless sites for desks and even thought of...

outside 4

Outside My Window – Casa Xerraire

  I had a conversation of my own with Grit (of Brit and Grit ) and became immediately curious as to the views outside his window, which he was nice enough to supply . However, I was told I need to return the favor. Here are two views when all...