Tagged: xerraire


xerrAIre Starts Playing With AI, and I Like It!

So my grandson Silas came into my room/office and told me about this fun way to make art. It wasn’t exactly something he was taking very seriously as we started playing around with several websites, we became rather silly as to some of the outcomes that would happen. You see,...


Updated Website

So we’re having a heatwave here in Perth, so might as well update my website. This explains why I would choose NOW to update the website. The odd thing is, just a few days before this, it was quite chilly. So Perth is as bi-polar in its weather as Baltimore....

Xerraire Hunter and Warlock 0

Xerraire Hunter and Warlock

So far, I am still enjoying my free demo account at World of Warcraft. I am not enjoying as much as I would have if I had the proper graphics card, but all things in good time. Besides the actual game, I enjoy the scenery and the music so much,...

WoW mount 6

A Mount for Xerraire

So this might not mean a whole lot to many, but to World of Warcraft fans, it’s a bit of an accomplishment to reach level 20 and get a mount. I am rather satisfied to get this far as I have been attempting to play this game under a lot...

Xerraire Wes sites 1

Xerraire Wayback

I had forgotten about the Wayback Machine, which archives websites’ looks from years ago. I searched my first domain, Xerraire.com and this was the look when started in 1999: (Click on image for larger view)   2001   2002   2003 2003 2003   2004, and pretty much the look...

World of Warcraft Xerraire 0

Xerraire Does WoW

The invitation came. I about cringed at the thought. How can I manage to fit something like that in my busy schedule? I can’t do it, I immediately thought. These things are addicting and just over my head. I will stink at it. This is so unlike me, I couldn’t…...

Xerraire Headquarters 0

Xerraire Headquarters

The house is busy and full of people. Often times my room is the location people flock to. When found that I needed another computer, it left me with three computers and one desk. Which is a problem. I have looked at countless sites for desks and even thought of...

outside 4

Outside My Window – Casa Xerraire

  I had a conversation of my own with Grit (of Brit and Grit ) and became immediately curious as to the views outside his window, which he was nice enough to supply . However, I was told I need to return the favor. Here are two views when all...