Road Trains, Wreaths, and Lambs Tails
Leaving Paynes Find, we went right back down the road where we came from.
Leaving Paynes Find, we went right back down the road where we came from.
John remembered that our last visit to Perth, one of my favorite parts was the WA Birds of Prey show held inside Whiteman Park on weekends. However, for awhile now these shows weren’t being held, but as luck would have it, for the month of April, precisely while I am...
One of the things that John likes to do is visit the Bird Show at Whiteman Park, so he took us and I was excited to go.
On our way home from Siesta Park, John and I passed by Vasse Inlet, being told there were a lot of birds there. Both of us love to photograph and watch birds. We mostly get frustrated with them, but we have fun. As we rode along, we noticed an island...