Tagged: travel

road 0

Back on the Road

Sometimes it’s not about where you’re going, it’s the journey. Since I am in a whole different country, I like seeing what is along the trip as well. So we left Camel Soak. I relaxed and looked out the window.



Since my birthday and my time here coming to a close was in the same week, the day was a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Won’t do that again. But it was also very happy, it was my FIRST birthday in Australia! John, in spite of the infinite about...

post card collection 2

Postcards Update

True to his word, Grit sent me some postcards from Tennessee to add to my postcard collection! My list now looks like this: Barcelona,Spain 79 Sagrada Familia 13 CampNou 9 Montjuich 39 BarriGotic 20 Sabadell,Spain 36 Vacarisses,Spain 5 Monsterrat,Spain 39 Sitges,Spain 4 Benasque,Spain 37 Lleida,Spain 19 Tarragona,Spain 11 Graus,Spain 16...