Relay for Life with CVS
Right after Mom’s funeral, Miquel announced to us all that CVS would be honoring Mom with their contribution to Relay for Life. I was impressed and honored that they would do that. Thank you CVS for this opportunity.
Right after Mom’s funeral, Miquel announced to us all that CVS would be honoring Mom with their contribution to Relay for Life. I was impressed and honored that they would do that. Thank you CVS for this opportunity.
We had a different Thanksgiving this year. Enric and family were away. Petra was here. Mom wasn’t feeling well enough to travel. Poor Linda and George had to take their usual lovely and warm Thanksgiving and become severely and instantly MOBILE. Here at home, we had to quickly switch gears...
Thanksgiving as usual was at Linda and George’s house. This year was a little different, Enric and family were not in Wisconsin and could be with us, and George had commitments in Florida, so he and Linda were getting a little taste of what John and I suffer through too...
After many days of preparations, early celebrations, Christmas Day with the family was finally here.
Dedication As a Baptist church, we do not baptize infants as we believe they need to make their own mind up as to their belief and faith when they are of an age when they understand what it is all about. However, we do dedicate babies to the Lord and...
Saturday we had as much of the family as we could assemble for a swim/picnic day. Not everyone is shown here, for some reason. I know Jenny and Miquel arrived late, when I had baby Harley, I was holding her in the pool and not a time to grab...
This year Laura completes her last year of high school. We couldn’t let the occasion pass without a party!