Tagged: Siesta park

Drakaea livida - Warty Hammer Orchid 0

Just Walking in the Rain

At this point of John’s vacation, we were resolved that rain was going to be part of it, particularly today. We decided we would hunt for orchids in the rain. Oh the places he takes me… His face just seems to say, “Here I am eating my breakfast very sensible...


Good-bye Siesta Park

No one wants to leave a holiday. Our time had come though, and we weren’t going straight home, so, even though we were leaving Siesta Park, we still had a day’s adventures ahead of us.   I have a feeling, we will be back.


Siesta Park, Third Time a Charm

We went to Siesta Park my first visit ever to Australia, we went when we got married, and this was our third time there together. 5:00 A.M. Time to get up as you never know, Siesta Park is situated to often get lovely sunrises.

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Good-bye Siesta Park

Our time was up at Siesta Park and we packed the car up to drive to Mount Barker. Siesta Park is a special place, so a look around before we go…


Sunday Brunch

So what do other people do the day they are getting married? You mean they don’t sit out in the car blogging about the day before just to kill time like me? hehe We are at Siesta Park where the internet connection doesn’t reach our chalet. John and I are...


Good-bye, Siesta Park

It turned out difficult to leave the place we called home for a short while. So part of the good-bye was to see the sunrise one more time before we left.

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Siesta Park Sunrise

After our long day the day before, getting out of bed early before the sun should have been difficult, but I didn’t want to miss one minute of the beauty that makes up Siesta Park. Here are two of the images showing the greeting the sky gave us.

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Siesta Park Sunrise

Siesta Park is so peaceful, on that you can tell as soon as you arrive. One of the nice things about it is that it faces north, so, you can get the sunrise and the sunset. I nearly slept through our first sunrise, and when I heard the birds singing...

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Siesta Park

Today John took us to Siesta Park. It is so peaceful. It was about a three hour drive from Perth. Here is our cozy chalet. Our entrance to the beach