Tagged: pasadena


Mailboxes and Squirrels

So as long as I can remember, a favorite thing to do with a new friend was to take a walk to the beach. Yesterday, after a day of shopping at Arundel Mills Mall (which Alejandra LOVED by the way), we decided we hadn’t done enough walking and took the...

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Megan and Curt King Wedding

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.     New Year’s Eve Laura and I had the pleasure of photographing the King Wedding. We already knew we were in for a treat with this couple as we had so much fun photographing their engagement photos. I took so many photos that...

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The Last of the Fall Colors

Laura and I spent a part of the last two days taking in the fall colors… (Click on image to enlarge) And on yesterday’s outing, this was our welcome back committee. 🙂



“What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee” (Psalm 56:3). The Bible verses you learn as a child, really come back to you as an adult at the most appropriate times.   Yesterday, an explosive storm hit Pasadena area. I will admit, I was afraid. We are thankful...


Downs Park and Chelsea Beach

A few times when John has been here we have tried to go to Down’s Park, only to find it closed. This time, we picked an open day. While there, we met a swan… ..and a turtle.   We also went to Chelsea Beach. It was nice to have a...


Back to Kinder Park

With the nice change of weather in the upper 50’s, Laura and I decided to go to Kinder Park. The fact that it is technically still winter was still there, with snow from our last blizzards still in scattered places around the park… Because of the winter, not much was...

The day after snow 2

Blizzard 2009: Next Day

The day after the storm nearly breaks all December records, the sun came out and it was time to dig out. Glen Burnie received 22.5 inches, it’s safe I think to say that Pasadena got close to that. This is our back deck. Enric and Miranda set out to clean...

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Dance Recital at Downs Park

Britney and Heather were in a dance recital at Downs Park. I was excited to see them dance again, and have another chance to take photos. Britney on her toes. After the recital, Laura and Heather go to the beach. The tide must have been very high, there was only...

Flea Market 1

Flea Market

In the first time, in my adult life, I went to a flea market today. I think as a child I remember once going with Chris and her family, but as an adult, this was indeed a first. I went because Jenny and her mom were setting up to sell...

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Pump Up The Volume Dance Recital

Today Laura and I were invited to Heather’s dance recital. This was the 16th Annual Dance Recital of Dancer’s Dreams, and held where I used to attend High School, Northeast. The first number, danced to Mercy: The next number was called, Busting Loose It was a great show. I took...

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March Gives Us Snow

First a question. How come almost every time they have a Global Warming protest, it gets snow? Do you think God is trying to tell them something? Anyway….We waited all winter for a good amount of snow and finally we turn the calendar and March brought us about a foot...

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Walks With John

Being John’s last full day, and having walked nearly as far as our legs would allow us, we spent it close to home, but again walking. Anyone who knows me even a little, knows that I love to walk and use this time for thinking, and when walking with someone,...

Venice On The Bay 3


  In my efforts to photograph Pasadena, Maryland, my last stop was Venice on the Bay. Lisa and I went in the afternoon Sunday. It was a perfect day. One glitch we did run into was a poor little goose with a fish hook caught in its tail feathers. Didn’t...

Memories at Chelsea Beach 2

Memories at Chelsea Beach

  I don’t know how many times I went to this beach with a dear friend or loved one. I think it started out Lisa and I on our bikes riding almost daily to Chelsea Beach in the summers. I also went with Chris, Donna, Flavio, and for Petra and...

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Baby Shower

“Babies are such a nice way to start people” Today, one of my oldest and dearest friends gave a baby shower for her daughter, Britney. Naturally Laura and I were invited. It started with a very treacherous snowfall as seen from their basement window… Britney was totally surprised She had...

Pasadena 2

Not in Pasadena!

We live in an area that isn’t very large. Pasadena has a population of about 12,000. It is definately ever growing, and I suppose with growth, comes some uninvited “excitement.” This week Miquel had some such excitement where he works at a local pharmacy. It seems he had a male...


Old Photos: Chelsea Beach

“Leaving home always means leaving with your feet, never with your heart.” Often when a photographer takes photos, he or she will go to the ends of the earth looking for something fantastic to photograph. Trips are often documented, vacations are put in photo albums, we might even frame an...