Tagged: Mireia

Mireia birthday 0

Mireia’s Birthday Via the Webcam

I was supposed to be with her on this birthday. I guess the Lord had other plans. Because of Covid-19 my flight was cancelled and birthday celebrations were all changed. Thankfully, we have technology and we were able to see Mireaia open her presents and have her birthday ice cream...


Taughannock Falls Lookout

After our long day at Letchworth State Park the day before, Taughannock State Park in the Fingers Lake Region, seemed like a fun rest day for our family. We started as we had the two summers before, looking from the lookout down to the falls. There was more water in...


Letchworth: Lower Falls and After

After Upper and Middle Falls, and then the lookout, we made our way to Lower Falls. To be honest, at this point, I had had it with hiking and declined to take the steps down to Lower Falls. When Rubi returned from even more hiking, she wasn’t too tired to...


Letchworth Upper Falls

After a longish drive, we arrived at Letchworth! But everyone was excited to move on. Cross bridges and climb walls!

Crabs for Christmas 0

A Concise Glance at Our Family Christmas Eve

I love our family Christmas Eve – charged with Christmas spirit, love for one another, and anticipation for the surprises that are ahead. Christmas Eve at our house are sweet, and intimate (not that we haven’t opened our door to others on a few occasions), and one of our big...

Silas reading to Nana 0

Who Says You Can’t Go Home Again

“Our home, our family is a circle of strength of love with every birth and every union the circle grows.” As always-tragic to be away from John, always good to be in the home of my childhood and with my children, and their children. On this return, I didn’t even...


Mireia’s First Bath

Mireia gets her first bath When my children were ready to get their first baths, my mom made such a fuss over the event, that in my world it’s become a huge milestone in life, and an honor to be invited to be part of it. (I was also here...

Mireia on Nana's bed 0


The last few blog posts of mine have been about past family members. The truth is our family tree is also moving forwards as well! June 1, 2016, Mireia Violet was born. Mireia is a Catalan girl name. The meaning of the name is `Admirable` It’s a Catalan name, and...