Tagged: health care

2010 2

2010 in Review

2010 has  been an incredible year. For me, my blog serves me in a way to keep track of personal events, and our family had many this year. January opened with the excitement of Miquel and his band, Embers For Ashes playing at Rams Head in Baltimore. Not long after...


What Drives Up the Costs of Health Care

Listen and learn some of the elements driving up the costs of health care. Carol Plato, an executive director of Martin Memorial Medical Center in Florida, gives a briefing on the specific costs and liabilities the hospital has incurred while treating illegal immigrants. After listening to that, makes the next...


Health Law May Allow Viagra Coverage for Sex Offenders

From CRS The Congressional Research Service confirmed in a memo Wednesday that rapists and sex offenders may get federally subsidized Viagra and other sexual performance enhancing drugs under the recently passed health care reform law — information that Republicans charge will haunt Democrats in upcoming elections. I am fairly certain...


Pelosi Wants to Pass it So You Can Know What’s In It.

If you ever had a doubt that our representatives read the bills they sign into law, spending trillions of dollars, or if they really care about transparency about what is IN the bills they sign, let Pelosi answer this for you. In answer to the Health Care Bill, she says,...