Tagged: Flavio


Heaven Bound Treasure

Even though we were told it would happen, it happened way too fast. The next day we gathered again. (You can hear the message HERE ) Mom really disliked winter, she loved spring, and the hope in beginnings it represented. It made me so sad at first to think that...

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Flavio Stops In For a Quick Visit

Flavio is in town for the Fancy Food Show in Washington D.C. to promote his fine cheeses from his Tumalo Farms.  We were so glad he decided to stop in to see us! Wonderful cheeses at Tumalo Farms, we know first hand!    

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Flavio Visits with His Boys

After way too many years, Flavio stopped by for a quick visit with Lucas and Ryan. In typical 90+ degrees Maryland summer heat, the natural thing to do was to invite them for a swim. The boys jumped right in. Flavio avoids being decapitated as Silas “cleans” the pool. Water...

Tumalo Farms Cheese wins First Prize 0

Tumalo Farms Cheese wins First Prize

    My crazy Brazilian “brother”, Flavio, tells a local news all about his cheese and goat farm. In a very charming way, he compared herding goats to the milking parlor to his days in the boardroom with engineers, that was funny. I am proud of Flavio, he works hard along...