Tagged: conner

A Visit from Aiden and Conner 0

A Visit from Aiden and Conner

While Enric, Miranda, and Silas is here, my sister and family brought Aiden and Conner for a visit. Conner got to know the new baby kitty. Silas and the boys had some fun at the pool. Conner and Aiden got to help feed baby kitty Jasper. Jasper is growing up...

easter 3

Easter 2009

This Easter was special having John here with us. First we went to church, and afterwards, we did the typical picture taking in the vestibule. Here is ( l. to r.) Miranda, Laura, and Erin. John joined in with he picture taking, and showed the girls the three beauties he...


More Fun with Connor and Aiden

Conner also enjoyed his day at the pool. He is such a happy smiley baby. And what is more fun than a wheelbarrow ride?  An after swim cuddle is nice too….

Easter 1

Easter (part 2)

Well Easter at our house is ever changing of late. We’re getting kind of used to Linda and George not being here, and we have come to realize that Stacey could show up with just about anyone, but for me, this year, Miquel was truly a missing piece. However after...

thanksgiving moms 1

We Gather Together

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with mom doing an outstanding job of making the house warm, cozy, inviting, and the food amazing. The weather was unusual, as the temperature hit nearly 80 degrees! Then clouds rolled in, the wind blew, and so many of the leaves that looked like they...