Tagged: cds


Less Is More

“Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough. ” ~Author Unknown   Moving around as I now do, has shown me that I need to simplify my life. I already know I can’t take it with me, but as long as I live on this earth,...

Hand made pottery and music 0

Christmas Continues…

Even in the midst of what seems like the warmest winter ever, Christmas packages still are arriving to our door, this time from Wisconsin! Hand made pottery and music! Thanks Beth Ellen!  I feel so very special! affiliate home loanmorgage 30 loans more oraccounting loans personal adviceloan agenta loan yes...

1970 1


As promised in an earlier blog, I decided to rip my Cd’s from the year 1970. These are a “little before my time” to be honest, but since I had older neighbors who were teens, I can recall most of them. According to my Time Life Cd’s the following songs...