Spider Orchids
We took the car in today, and while it was in the shop took a short walk in the Bush. We saw a few spider orchids between wind and rains.

The genus Caledonia contains some 160 or so species, the vast majority of which are endemic to Australia. Western Australia has over 120 species.

They do have a spidery look to them.

I couldn’t resist a photo of three together.

Caledenias have a single hairy leaf and a hairy stem and most have a fringed or toothed labellum on the central section of which can be found small projections called calli.

Most flower in the spring months of September and October.
i did a check on Florabase, the website of the Department of conservation of WA
they have 258 Caledenias listed for WEstern Australia
you would think we could find a few more than we have
we can keep looking
Looks like as a spider.So beautiful.