Social Distancing Bear Hunt
There is a movement in communities worldwide during this time of Coronavirus. We are all looking for ways to stay socially distant and safe. John and I learned of this Bear Hunt on facebook and from his sister, Georgie. This bear hunt, a scavenger hunt of sorts, is allowing children outdoors and exercising but not something they have to do in a crowd. The children look for bears and even rainbows.
From ABC News
It began in Wichita, or maybe Philadelphia, no one is quite sure.
But one thing is certain — teddy bears and rainbows are beginning to pop up in gardens, windows and on fences around the world to create some social-distancing magic for children during the global coronavirus pandemic.
So John was quite tickled to see what Georgie had done with her bear hunt, hers are having a picnic. So as we needed some supplies (um, coffee) at the market John fancied a bear in a cape and mask. When he told the lady what he was going to do with the bear, she handed him a few more for the same price. She didn’t take no for an answer.
So here is our contribution to the bear hunt; it got the attention of the neighbors as they had not heard of it, and hopefully they will make their own display.

Happy hunting and stay safe!
And remember: