Silas Wants to Go Too
It seems Silas wants to go with us to Australia too.
He sat down and said, “Nana, I am going to miss you. I want to go to Australia!”
“But you can’t Silas, you don’t have a ticket.”
Silas, not stopping exclaimed, “Well, I will get a ticket!”
“But it cost a lot of money.”
“I will get a whole bunch of money!” he persisted.
“How does a person get money, Silas?” I asked him.
“I don’t know,” he finally slowed down on that one.
“You need a job.” I quickly told him.
“I will get a job, and I will get money, and I will buy a ticket, and I will go to Australia!” he concluded excitedly, and then he looked at John on the webcam as if everything was resolved and said to him, pointing, “I am going to YOUR house!”
With some explanation, I think we made Silas realize that it can’t happen like that and so fast.
So, Miranda is making Silas a calendar, marking when we leave and when we come back, among other things, as they will take a day trip to the Ocean, Silas will be starting Truth Trackers, and other fun things!
Oooooooooooooh, so sweet…
Tell Silas that he needs to come and visit Buppa and Nana Sandy before he can go to Australia!!