Roadside America & Amish Country
From New York City, which is one extreme, to the hills of Pennsylvania to Roadside America and Amish Country.
Roadside America , is the largest indoor miniature village I have ever seeen.
It is a panorama of life in rural United States. The exhibit spans more than two hundred years in time and lets you see, in exquisite miniature, how people lived and worked in pioneer days … through the years since then … right up to the present.
John, while in Australia, recently enjoyed a model show and it reminded me of this place, and I thought he would enjoy such a large layout of model trains and a village. He did.
We went around twice, it took three hours! John got some fabulous photos, and the second time he used his wide angle lens which really helps to enjoy the immenseness of it all.
Pennsylvania stayed true to form for lousy roadside markings so getting from there to the Amish Country took a long time which didn’t give us much daylight as we wanted, but our drive was special and John got to see the precious countryside of the area.
We finally get to Amish Country where we saw that autumn has colored it with reds.
We stayed mainly in the town of Intercourse – they get odd names there.
We eventually stopped at a little place and visited with some friendly goats.
John made me giggle with, “I came half around the world to see a goat.”
We’ve been to Lancaster County several times. Stayed there a week once back in 1988. We’ll have to make it back there again one of these years.
Once again, nice pictures!
WOW is that tree ever RED!!
Did you tweak it at all?
No, I only cropped some cars out of the picture.