Road Trains, Wreaths, and Lambs Tails
Leaving Paynes Find, we went right back down the road where we came from.

We saw the same flock of Kites that we saw when we came up. This time I focused on a Whistling Kite.

The road seemed to go on forever.

We headed towards Perenjori, but as you can see we were near mine sites.

Warnings of Road Trains.

Mined hills.

So then we came across the most unique flower I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot considering all the different flowers I’ve seen in Western Australia.

It’s know as Wreath Flower, Lechenaultia macrantha, or Wreath leshenaultia. This is ONE plant. It grows out in such a way, that the flowers create this wreath.

They were spread out along the side of the road.

John takes a photo of this odd flower as a road train goes past.

We saw a few road trains as we were stopped there.

Along with the Wreath flower, we saw this amazing soft furry flower, Lamb’s Tail. Newcastelia hexarrhena