When do you travel 4 hours out of your way for lunch? When it’s the Berry Farm Café and the blue ferry wrens eat with you!
John poured the tea.
He ordered the scones with jam and cream.
I got the Turkish bread with Champagne ham and cheddar cheese with a gourmet salad and relish.
Well Mr Blue Ferry wren, you make it hard on the photographer when you sit on the equipment! Cell phone it is!
We also ordered a white chocolate mud cake, which the birds wanted and John kept shooing away. I was ok with that as long it was just the honey eaters, but when he shooed the Blue Fairy Wrens! I scolded him!
The silver eyes are so pretty, too.
But how lovely is the Blue Fairy Wren?
So wonderful to see these creatures up close.
Love the curious silver eyes.
The honey eaters were also ready to dive into some cake.
The female Blue Fairy Wren is also so sweet and lovely.
And yes, this time we took movies! Watch below and see all the birds and hear the Blue Fairy Wren sing to us!