Reading, Rain, and Redlights
The three R’s of my weekend.
I tried to start the weekend out right. I even did something for myself I haven’t done in a long time. I went to the library to get some informative, learning, and even some pleasure reading material. I went as far as to allow myself hours with a a good enjoyable book.
As I look out my raining window and after driving half the weekend with the heavens having opened up and it poured down in sheets, and taking the car through literal overnight rivers, I often wonder why we anxiously hope for spring. Here in Maryland, spring usually only means chilly rain, mud, and infinate flood watches, storms and tornado warnings. Heck, only two years ago, we were still getting snow through till Easter in April. (I best not talk of that lest I push my luck)
It seemed only yesterday that you could know the month you were in by the predictable weather. March winds, April showers and then we would get the most pleasant of months, May. No more.
On a positive note, we are starting to get some flowers up in the garden before the rain beats the petals off.
Red Light…
And last…Was something that shook me up for a good while.
While coming home (alone) from dropping my son and his friends off from an event, I was stopped at a redlight. Some man backed up into me as I was stopped at the light, and then as I got out of the car to survey the damage, he tried to touch me, and did, and then kept on trying, claiming he ‘just wanted to hug me’. I flew back into my car and took off, scared, very scared.
I’m looking forward to Monday. Weekdays seem much nicer.
Here is three G I want to send to you…
I’m glad that I found anohter mode of time machine, and that is book.
The grass in garden brings the delight, and it will be even sparkling in the dark.
Wish you feel better and stronger after the the green light.
The world is full of challenges.
Barb, I really love the flower photos. They are outstanding, beautiful and such sharp quality.