Politicians More Staying Power than Cockroaches

Money and Gerrymandering remain the key obstacles to term limits in our Congress. Many have been there longer than some kings and dictators. John Dingell has been a member of congress for 53 years, Robert Byrd also came close to that mark. Henry the 8th reigned for 38 years; Stalin, 29, and Lenin, 7.

How is this so?
Veteran politicians have written the rules to favor themselves and the two mainstream political parties.

One way they do this is by “redistricting,” otherwise known as “gerrymandering.” They carve out election districts that favor a particular incumbent or political party. This way they have a better chance of staying in power. By the time they are finished ‘redrawing’ the district, you have to wonder, are  WE choosing our representatives, or are they choosing us?

Here are some examples, there are many to choose from, but I will list a few. Take Luis Gutierrez from Illinois, his 4th congressional district is 39 square miles, he’s been serving since 1993, see if this is a sane drawing for a district (in the grey area):

Luis Gutierrez 4th Congressional District

Luis Gutierrez 4th Congressional District. Seems rather carved to favor a certain person?

Let us remember too, that he can’t even vote for himself, he doesn’t even LIVE in that district!

Gutierrez house

Gutierrez house

In my own state, I had no idea that Dutch Ruppersberger, (D), who keeps getting re-elected, his area looks like this, it’s ridiculous!

A district all over the place, they have no shame!

A district all over the place, they have no shame!

Arizona Republican Trent Frank’s 2nd district covers 20,391 square miles, which makes it larger than the state of Rhode Island.

Larger than a whole state!

Larger than a whole state!

Term limits on all public servants (which is what our representatives are supposed to be) is the ONLY WAY to limit the damage that can be caused by these politicians treating their seats like the “family business.”

Do you know what your district looks like on a map?

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