We go to Perth Zoo with some regularity when I am in town. Since it was John’s birthday, seemed like the perfect first outing since my arrival.
You know you’ve fully arrived in Australia when you see the kangaroosThis one heard me coming, but couldn’t be stuffed to completely turn around to have a look. Silly RooThe Koala was particularly active.It was very hungry.How cute!On this particular day, we were there to see John’s fellow docent friend, Erin, give the Orangutans their treats.We had seen the new lions when we were here in November, but why not another look?According to Perth Zoo’s website, “ A yawning baboon is not bored, it’s cranky! The move casually displays its deadly canines for all to see. ” Although, I didn’t see any.It pays to listen to the announcements given at the zoo, we were contemplating leaving, when they announced it was time for Tricia the Asian Elephant was going for her walk. This was my first time ever seeing her on her walks!
Tricia is 60 years old has been a much loved since her arrival from Vietnam via Singapore in 1963 as a young six year old.
As she walked by, I couldn’t help but think that is as close to an elephant as I have ever been!
A happy first outing for me and a nice birthday for John.