Perth Zoo and Feeding the Giraffe
It seems each time we went to Perth Zoo in the past, it was done in a rush. So we set aside Saturday to have a long leisurely day there.
While dingos belong to the same family as dogs, there are differences. Dingos do not bark, they only breed once a year and they lack the distinctive ‘dog smell’ of domestic dogs.
We came upon this kangaroo as she was ready to pounce on another. Didn't seem to want anything but to jump on it and run away.
This kangaroo was walking across the walk path which took me by surprise. John explained they let them roam free.
Quokkas are very unusual for a number of reasons. They are able to survive in an environment virtually devoid of freshwater and they can climb trees. Quokkas have been used in medical research on muscular dystrophy as they suffer from the same disease.
Last few times we were here, I never got to see the numbat. What a thrill to finally see one of John's favorites!
I didn't realize the tongue was so long! Numbats are insectivores and eat an exclusive diet of termites. An adult Numbat requires up to 20,000 termites each day.
Here is a view of the giraffe I never thought I would get to see, a view from above! We got to Perth Zoo early and booked a time to get to feed one! We had to climb up to do so, which put us above the giraffes!
Ok, I have to admit, between my mom's love of them, and Miquel's experience at the Maryland zoo (running with the giraffes), I really like them!
Part two of Perth Zoo next blog.