Perth Royal Show 2015
I tried before and couldn’t do it, so I know better this time: I can’t write just one blog about the Perth Royal Show, I must do it over a few blogs.
I will start with just some random moments at the Show:

Since I am recovering from a sprain, this Royal show we took frequent rests. Which I liked the extra cuddle time
One section of the show, they let all parts of the state of Western Australia show off the best in their region.

One section displayed a fruit I never knew existed. The Kiwano. They say the taste is like a cucumber, a kiwi and bananas all together.

The more I thought about it, the less odd it seemed. Australia is often referred to as Oz, and the Southwest is magical.

I also learned that just because it looks like a kangaroo, it isn’t. I was corrected quickly, it was a Kelpie. (A dog)

Reginald Murray Williams was an Australian bushman and entrepreneur who rose from a swagman, to a millionaire. The company creates a wide range of men’s and women’s handcrafted leather boots, shoes, clothing and accessories.

We saw this the first time we went together at the Royal Show, but it wasn’t there last year, back again, we had fun watching this homemade Spirograph set using swinging pendulums to draw pictures.

A fun moment, when we got to the section where they have old machinery, we saw this. We just happened to have a supply of scones on us…