Over the Hedge
I don’t know if Crazy Andrew is afraid that Laura and I might be having too much peace and quiet with Miquel gone or what, but he barreled into our house today like the Tazmanian Devil. He stayed long enough to down a few cookies and donuts, and to rent a very funny movie and insist we watch it, “Over the Hedge.”
We truly enjoyed the movie, and if you have never met Crazy Andrew, yet will see the movie, pay attention to the squirrel, Hammy. Hammy is so Andrew!
Inside all the nutty humor and entertainment, was a subtle message on the environment, conservation, and it definitely portrayed junk food negatively, along with SUV’s.
The hedge is something new to the forest animals just waking up from their long winter’s nap. While they hibernated, a new community of homes was built, meaning they would have to struggle to find food. Beyond the hedge were HUMANS, and they had to brave beyond it to help RJ the raccoon.