This year for Thanksgiving, ALL of the family was together except Miquel who had to work and Jenny who stayed home. But unlike last year Miranda and Silas were away, as a family, we were all together for at least part of the day.

We arrived a little late and George was well into carving the turkey.

Enric, Miranda, RubÃ, and Silas

Linda and George had a fine spread.

The obligatory football game plays in one room.

In the other room the boys hesitate to dig in, electing to play legos.

Today, Thanksgiving, Rubà got to try her first solid food!

She got the hang of it pretty fast.

She looks almost like the Gerber baby!

Silas loaded his plate and finally digs in!

Silas loves muffins.

We had round two of birthday celebration for Laura

Laura tries to convince Silas to help her blow out the last candle.

Later, what was named as the “Scooter Room” was put to good use by the boys, Connor seen here.

Silas joins in the fun.

Aiden shows off too.
We had a great time, and I think Silas decided he likes Thanksgiving very much.
How I missed the turkey, the pumpkin pie and the company!
It made me thankful for the family I have – here and there. Love ya, guys.
What a wonderful day. I wish we could have this tradition here.