One Month Anniversary
We made it one month.
So, we celebrated. We decided to do something we had done before, go to Perth from King’s Park and take city at night photos. John and I both grabbed our camera gear and his tripod, found a place to eat, then we were ready.
Then soon night came upon us, and besides taking the usual long shutter photos of the city, we decided to take some of us in front of the city lights using John’s timer on his camera. (We just don’t have many photos of us together, as each of us is more comfortable behind the camera, I think!)

It’s just HAPPY being together. I hope couples that are together all the time, know and appreciate what a blessing it is.
Then our evening took an interesting twist.
Apparently, setting up a tripod and taking a few photos, we must have looked like we knew what we were doing, and this young fellow comes up to John asking him to please take a photo of him and his partner, that it was to be a surprise for her.
So John takes the unfamiliar camera, and tries his best. Now, John just doesn’t like to take photos from behind of people, and once he had taken what he thought was his “Surprise” photo of the couple, said, “Why don’t you stand here like this and I will get a photo of the two of you with the city behind you?”
And the next thing we knew, and I think I saw it coming as I quickly grabbed my camera…
Afterwards, we told them we were a good choice to ask for the photo taking as we were just married and only one month anniversary!
We all congratulated one another.
I guess they weren’t expecting me to grab my camera, but since John wasn’t familiar with another camera, I thought I had better take some too. I gave them my card and told them they could ask for whatever I was able to get too.
And just a day later, I got an email asking for them and I got permission to post the story and their photos.
So, cheers to my husband, happy one month.
And congratulations Ashleigh and Michael!