On the Road to Toledo
Saturday, Miquel, Laura and I, took to the road, with the objective to meet Enric and Miranda in Toledo, Ohio.
This was going to give Miquel a chance to go back to Wisconsin with them, getting a taste of college life for a month, practicing tennis with a student there, and just getting away from Maryland for awhile.
I had never driven such a distance in one day. In the end, I had been awake for 25 hours straight, and had driven roughly a 1000 miles. Laura deserves a lot of the credit, she kept me talking all way home in the difficult night hours driving home.
Going through Pennsylvania was a feast for the eyes though, with autumn being my favorite time of year anyway, with scenes like this below, made me crazy that I couldn’t stop every five minutes to take photos. I had to settle to buy this postcard:
As lovely as PA was, we had to rush to get to Toledo though, and we were so happy to see Enric and Miranda. For Enric, it was one week before his birthday, so we all went into a pizzeria to have a quick birthday celebration.
Enric was very happy to have his family with him, even if only briefly. We all had laughs when Enric opened his new Pinky & the Brain and Animaniacs DVDs.
Here Miquel shows off HIS new birthday present, a leather coat, one that matches Enric’s. They will create a sensation I think, on Northland’s campus. Also, another present, his Baltimore Ravens Todd Heap Shirt.
Miquel, Mama misses you already……