In my animals section, I found photos of pets (and not all of them ours), that I just have to add here.
We went through a few periods of always having a baby kitty or two in the house.
Bagheera by the pool…A black cat in the autumn leaves. So ready for October. Jasper has spent a lot of time on my bed. Not many cats can say that.JasperJasper on the piano. Two Jaspers, Oh no!When we’d have a litter in spring, they’d always make the picnic table – in the midst of mom’s plants brought out from the house – their home.Love how the kitten was looking up.
Mom’s Ladd
A close up on Laddy, who was getting very old by time this photo was taken.
Dolça was always stretching and clawing the grape arbor.
Laura’s very fun and energetic cat, Dante’s brother, Yuna.