New Sofas
When John moved into this house under rushed and unfortunate circumstances, he didn’t have anything for his living room. So he was given pieces of furniture that others no longer wanted or needed. The sad thing about the sofa that he had, is that it was terribly itchy to my sensitive skin. Almost two years married now, it would be nice to have a new and matching set.
So John and I have many things in common. We were fast friends, and from the first day we met, we were finishing each others’ sentences…
Apparently, when it comes to furniture, cars to drive/buy, houses to live in/buy or not buy, we will likely never totally agree.
So, it was an interesting time at the furniture store.
He liked a set that was double the price that I was looking at, and even though I had to agree it was very comfortable, I couldn’t get past the color and the price. I guess we were there a long time looking and discussing.
We finally went with two sofas on sale and then even less than the advertised price for a one day special. The ones that I originally wanted.

Don’t pay too much attention to the ladder in the corner, believe me, it’s a far cry better than the boards on bricks that was there before.

Perhaps our proof that we took a long time in deciding, our salesman gave us a bag and two products to protect and clean the furniture in sympathy with John. Apparently watching us was painful for him. *sigh*
The old chair and sofa?
We put it on the Australian equivalent of Craigslist and they were picked up by a sweet family of Koreans who were so happy to get something to sit on and pay nothing for it. They said, “You are a nice couple.”
A very sweet end to our day.