New Baby Lopez
Today Laura messaged me to tell me that the new baby Lopez had been born! John and I had just been talking to Miranda on Skype just that morning! Funny thing is, because of and by virtue of SKYPE, I was the first family member to see Baby LIVE….ALL THE WAY FROM AUSTRALIA! So funny. I am very happy and thankful for this new baby and that Mommy and Daddy are doing well. I got to hear him give a nice healthy cry too!

What a surprise to hear the call come through and see Miranda holding our new grandson.

Enric gets a turn. Apparently he was an example birthing dad, and the nurses wanted him to show all the other soon to be dads how it was done!
Well done Enric and Miranda, and welcome to the world little sweet baby. Nana and Pop Pop are so happy, another one to love.
Whoever thinks the internet and chat aren’t a modern marvel, they haven’t lived far from such a miracle!
Update: His name is Ezra Julian , Julian after my father