So these days, when I go into my living room, it often looks like this:
Either one or both of my sons is playing MotorStorm for Playstation 3
The good part is, I got really tickled that my camera could take good photos off of the TV. The bad part of it is, I get sucked into it and start watching. Cringing at each fall off of a cliff and each crash. When they pass the finish line, it’s then I realize that I was holding my breath the whole time, and then I remember to take a deep breath.
But that’s just a mom’s review, here are some other stats and reviews of Motor Storm:
Product Features
- Race in amazing scenic environments that capture some of America’s most recognizable desert landmarks – Wide-open plains, harrowing cliff edges, and tight canyon sections
- Attacking and Offensive Driving – Players must try to win the race & survive by using vehicles as weapons
- Cutting-edge A.I. reacts to situations realistically, locating the best routes and changing the level of driving aggression based on player actions
- Never drive the same track twice — Real-time Track Deformation makes each lap different than the last
- New real-time Audio manipulation — echo and reverb are filtered in for a unique live Music experience during each race
the GOOD THINGS associated with MotorStorm
The graphics are the best I’ve seen on any game–bar none. The stunning detail is a major distraction in this game, as you leap over ramps and view monument valley while flying through the air. The wrecks are astounding as well. Sometimes, it’s fun to choose and ATV or motorcycle and purposely cause huge wrecks. You get to view your body hurling through the air in slow motion with the ability to spin the scene around with the R stick. More often then not, your body bounces off of rocks and ends up being run over by another vehicle. Awesome! The jumps are amazing, too. Depending on your vehicle, you can control your tilt and wah in mid-air (which seems like an eternity, the jumps are so huge) to set up the perfect landing.
The vehicles are terrific. All of them react different to the different tracks, which makes the game truly challenging. As soon as you’ve mastered the motorcycle on the mesa race, you then have to compete in a race through the mud with a mudplugging jeep. Each vehicle has different acceleration, braking, turning radius and what I like to call “dent quotient.” The bigger vehicles can take a real beating, whereas the ATV’s and motorcycles might get hit by a rock and go flying into a rock formation in pieces. Very realistic. Also, your vehicle retains its damage until you wreck it; which means, you could smack into another vehicle, and then be racing with no doors and your hood flapping against your windshield the entire race. You can knock your wheels out of alignment, too. Your wheels will wobble until you wreck and get a new vehicle. Navigating the dirt buggies is like riding on a constant trampoline: they just bounce everywhere, which is fun until you are trying to cross the finish line in 1st, you come out of a jump, and bounce right into a gravel pit and flip over. It’s an insane ride that will have you laughing hysterically, albeit with sweaty palms. To make it even more stressful, you can change your camera view to “shoulder cam” (for ATV’s and motorcycles) or “in cockpit” (for the others) where the terrain moves more than you do…it’s dizzyingly fun!
Lastly, the controls are so simple, you’d think you were playing the Atari 2600. One button for gas, one for braking (which doubles as reverse also) one for boost, and one to knock an opponent off his bike (if you’re on a bike) or peep your horn (if your in another type of vehicle). This makes it so that anyone can jump right in and start playing the game.
Get your copy of MotorStorm right here!