Mom said there’d be weeks like this…
“The Internet is like a giant jellyfish. You can’t step on it. You can’t go around it. You’ve got to get through it.”
-John Evans
“Getting through it” hasn’t been easy this week!
First my usually splendid speed on Comcast (when it works), died on me. It has been next to impossible to be productive. To get answers to my repeating connection issues, is an ordeal I could write a book on. I got my new connection in October, it is now August, and my reported amount of outages (which I didn’t document, but just KNOW they are many). I’ve had three incidents where techs needed to come to my house this month, each time my connections upon them leaving was worse than when they got here .
I finally called Comcast’s billing. I explained that they needed to take some of the funds for their constant advertising (its all the time on the TV), and distribute it to improving their technicians, so that when then make service calls, people aren’t worse off than when they started. They assured me they were staffed with professionals, which I had to disagree, and listed my reasons, which were many. I left the billing person stuttering upon giving my list. Next I told them, that *I* was doing my part of the bargain: I keep my PC maintained, I keep it clean, and I pay my bills on time. I told them THEY weren’t doing THEIR part.
After my presentation, the billing department went back in time and counted all the days with all the outages and granted me a credit over the next two months on my bill.
I honestly would rather pay for the service and get it, but I will take the refund.
Along with my net connection, my email for my Xerraire (at account has been down for the entire weekend. My host at Ready Hosting is unreachable, but their happy little network status assures me they are aware of the problem and next to the ETA of having it fixed is a big NOTHING. Fun.
Speaking of ReadyHosting, I went to my control panel there telling them to activate my 404 page, which was met with an error.
Finally, last night, my message tag (MSGTAG) service went down, with the most absurd error pop ups.
This was just a portion of my week on the net (or not on it). When I got to church, someone told me I looked tense. I didn’t doubt it.
Oh well, today starts a new week…one can hope.
I’ll trade you connections any day Xerraire, Just say the word! Try hooking up
a satellite that does just a tad better than 56k… then compound the turtle speed
with the fact that everytime a dark cloud passes over your house, you lose
your internet. Then add just a dash of the equipment cost being over $1,000. Oh,
and top it off with the utter despair of living so far out in the stix that the
prospect of a cable or DSL connection coming your way in the next decade looks bleak
indeed. That’s my current receipe!