It’s not yet her birthday. It’s easy to remember, Miranda’s birthday is the same as Tax Day, April 15th.
But today is her birthday party day. It was decided.

The party seemed to get started with an attack on Uncle Meek by the children.

Miranda asked for lasagna and garlic bread for dinner. Silas was in charge of birthday hats.

Rubí looks cute hanging on the birthday girl.

After dinner, Miranda digs into to her birthday presents.

Gift cards from Jenny and Miquel, and she’s not sharing them with Enric!

Pink grapefruit happy items from The Body Shop from Laura.

A travel coffee mug from John and I, as well as another gift card, so she might consider sharing the other one 

Enric’s present was suspiciously heavy…

Enric disguised the bag with a WEIGHT!

But really it had nice clothes inside!

Meanwhile Miquel and Ezra hang out.
The family then watches the Lego Movie.

Then it was time for cake! One Miranda made herself!

Who needs cake when you have this little ball of sweetness?

Laura and Jenny anticipate cinnamon cheesecake!

Ezra gets a hat! (He even had a few bites of cheesecake).