21 years old would seem to ask for a big party…but still dizzy from travel, Miquel seemed happy enough to allow his mama to get away with a small family birthday party.
I suppose on his birthday, all is well as long as there are FIDEUS!

Miquel’s Favorite (he is so my son) Fideus a la Casola

This will be Jenny’s first time to have Fideus, as Laura fills her plate.

What I love, my children’s laughter when they are all together.

More laughs with Enric and Laura

Trying to tell Silas “fideus” are noodles, but all he can think about is CAKE.

Mmmm fideus

Silas gets a taste of sparkling grape juice in a fancy glass

You can wait awhile sometimes for Miquel to finish filling his plate.

Meanwhile, we can pass the bread around

Visca el pa, as Miquel still digs in…

Miquel and fideus, a happy man

Happier still, eating them

Miquel chose for his cake, Cookies and Cream from Friendly’s

It was scrumptious

Miquel and Jenny
HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MIQUEL!!!!!!!!!we did not forget, we have moved, we are stable and secure now in edgewater,shelby in aacc, all is right with the world.. and now we have a new handsome adult!!! weren’t they babies just last week????? enjoyed the australia pics, you know i loved the ones of the beaches and oceans luv to all, lisa and shelby
And your right, Barb, nothing fills a mother’s heart like the laughter from her children.
I’m proud of you. Love ya!