Miquel…and his “hat”
When Miquel gets something into his head, there is no getting it out. I’ve learned that I think, when he was about 2 months old.
After a trip to the Arundel Mills Mall recently, he saw a place to have a customized hat made. He didn’t have the money for it then, but that didn’t stop him from talking about it, making the plans for its design, and finally asking when would we go back to the mall to get it made.
I am begining to think that if Miquel’s tennis plans don’t pan out, he has a real promise in clothing design. This hat isn’t the first thing that he got into his head to design, he’s been doing t-shirts (with Hanes T-shirt Maker) on the computer for awhile now.
The day finally came (he broke me down) and I took him back to the mall to get his hat.
Here is Miquel with Allyn of World Hats, helping Miquel to create his vision. Miquel and Allyn hit it off right away.
Here is Miquel back at home, posing with the hat on backwards, “89” is his birth year. He also is wearing one of the t-shirts he created himself.
Here he is, a view from the back, with his net nickname on the hat.
A view from one side, with one of his nicknames in a video game.
And lastly the other side, with another of his video game nicknames.
I wonder what’s next with that boy.
What’s the origination of the unusual “Klingon Weapon” looking symbol on the front of the T-Shirt? It also looks like he is wearing some “Bling” of the same design around his neck?
I can understand the birthdate thing…that’s pretty kewl. But who in the world chooses U-Haul as their nickname on a video game? Isn’t that an ugly moving truck?
And please explain Pasikle? Or did he mean Popsicle?
This dern generation gap thing confuses me! I now understand how my parents felt! They never understood, and now I know why!