Melbourne to Perth
We arrived to Melbourne early in the morning and was quickly rushed to various immigration and custom areas. I was a little worried as I had prescription medicines with me and the only box related to that on the documentation I had to fill out on the plane, was medicines, firearms, steroids, and explosives. Well, I didn’t like that my medicine was clumped with such absurd items and thought I was to be arrested as soon as my feet stepped in Australia.
Oddly enough, they were more worried that Laura’s middle name hadn’t been included in her Visa. They had me step aside and with a quick “G’day.” the Visa was fixed and we were off.
My first task before finding the domestic terminal was to change American dollars to Australian dollars. Laura and I liked our new “funny money.”
Unfortunately there wasn’t much more to do at Melbourne except wait five hours for our flight to Perth. Laura had a bite to eat finally finding something appetising, (the Australian computer I am running chose the Aussie spelling from a “z” to an “s”)- a delicious toasted cheese and ham sandwich. (The other sandwiches had relish on them). Later she spotted a cookie and had one of those too.
Later we booted up her laptop which was low on battery (we watched Gilmore Girls on it on the plane) and searched for a plug for which we already bought an adapter. We found a column in the middle of the floor, so we sat on the floor and used it there. No one seemed to mind or notice that we were taking up floor space to use the laptop. There I called Enric and John to let them both know we arrived OK. The floor became cold quick, so we found another plug in a better spot, and then I posted yesterday’s blog.
Finally the time came to catch the plain to PERTH!
Once on the plane, we were seated at the emergency exit door and given the responsibility to be the ones to open it and walk out first which we accepted. (And why not, the leg room was worth it!)
However, I don’t think Laura completely understood what she was accepting, but as I later found out, my daughter was to be congratulated for accepting anyway.
We were trained that when the captain said “Evacuate” three times to first check the window for fire, smoke, and or obstructions, then to pull down the lever that opens the door and follow the arrows.
My first thought was “what arrows?” But darn as I looked out on the wing, there were the arrows.
Now, of course I pictured ourselves ON THE GROUND needing to do this.
What I didn’t know as Laura looked dazed and confused, was imagining us as wing walkers high in the sky, leading the way for all the people on board.
But I give her credit she was asked to do a job and she accepted.
Well, as if a good omen for our flight, Melbourne gave us a rainbow as we took off.
I couldn’t resist a photo of our lunch.
I was so very happy to arrive in Perth, but I can’t say anything about it until I show a typical look at what it’s like to travel with Laura:
Every time I looked at her, the girl was sleeping. Not fair as in the whole 40 hours travel time, I slept perhaps one. So perhaps this photo conveys a little bitterness.
We went to collect our luggage at the bag claim only to see them standing at attention ready for us. I think I know what happened, they were sent ahead of us, on a flight to Perth before ours. John was there and so were Jamie and Kaymer.
John took us home the scenic way, so I got to get a quick view of Perth’s skyline before it got dark.
So wonderful to have you in the best city in the world.
Hurray! A little rest, some food and good company…and you and your camera are ready for Australia! Enjoy.