Mary Elizabeth Foreman Carpenter
Those boring begats of the Bible. You know them. In our daily reading, John and I learned there are a few good reasons to put and keep them in there. One reason is the accuracy and details of them puts the Bible scientifically right in the middle of history. They are a vital foundation to the greatest story ever told. By all means, get to know them!
Even though I have always been interested in my own story, my own history, I wasn’t always sure how to find answers. Long ago as a teen, I had a school project to fill in the family genealogy, which I did the best I could. I asked for Grandma’s help; she remembered a lot, and Aunt Jessie’s help, who even had a book on the Fletchers. When I inherited my Grand-mom’s family Bible, the family tree chart in the Bible’s center was completely empty. Since I still had the paperwork from my school project, I filled in the blanks.

Family Bible and photos from and old box. The Bible was from Grandmom (Bosley-Boyce side of the family) and the old box is from mom’s collection (Fletcher-Buckwalter side of the family).
Today I will focus on my grandfather’s grandmother on his mother’s side.
My mom’s dad was Walter Olie Fletcher. His father was Columbus Washington Fletcher and his mother was Bertha Carpenter. Bertha’s parents were Arthur and Mary Elizabeth. This was all the information I had until I did some digging on the internet.

Mary Elizabeth Foreman Carpenter
(My great, great Grandmother)
Considering the unfortunate storage of box of photos, many of these images are in good condition and I think they are real gems.
So, what do I know so far?
My grandfather was Walter Olie Fletcher (I never knew him).
His mom was Bertha (Carpenter) Fletcher.
Bertha’s Mom was Mary Elizabeth Foreman and now I know that HER father and mother were:
Amos Henry Foreman & Francis V. Snapp.
Amos’s parents were John A Foreman and Mary Ann Clowser.
Francis’s parents were Edward B. Snapp (1813 – 1862) who married three times. The wife he had Frances by was Elizabeth Dutton (1816 – ?).
Edward’s parents where Henry Snapp (1786 – 1862) & Elisabeth Piper (1792 – ?).
This was as far as I could go and this is just the maternal side of my mom’s father.
I am enjoying my dig into the past, and hope I can dig deeper and wider into our family’s history.
Hello Barb,
I guess we are cousins! I, too am directly descended from Amos Henry Foreman and Frances V. Snapp! My great grandmother was Anna Belle Foreman, the sister of Mary Elizabeth Foreman Carpenter. She married Mahlon Harvey Barr, from Winchester, VA. (I see in your photo that it was taken in Barr Studio…I wonder if there is a relation there?)
I have been digging for awhile and have found some very interesting things. For example, three generations back from Amos Foreman is William H. Foreman who was a captain in the Revolutionary War. He led a group of soldiers in an attack against Indians in an attack on Fort Patrick Henry in Wheeling. He and his men ended up ambushed and he and two of his sons, Hamilton an Nathan were killed. They were buried in a mass grave, but later moved to Moundsville, WV. There is more information on e-WV The West Virginia Encyclopedia.
Also did you know that Edward Snapp was married three times? His first wife was Cornelia Tildon Albin. His second wife was Margaret Ann Frye. His third wife was our ancestor Elizabeth Dutton. Interestingly Margaret Ann Frye also married her father-in-law Henry Snapp. That would make Edward’s wife also his step-mother!
The more I dig, the more interesting it gets! Enjoy your research, Cousin!